This program and BDP. My story.

This program and BDP. My story.

My experience at Bridle Up Hope was phenomenal. I felt so welcomed and so loved from day one. I honestly don’t know where I would be if I had not found this magical place.

I have suffered from depression and suicidal thoughts for a few years now. Before I came to BUH, I met with a therapist who helped me tremendously. She diagnosed me with Borderline Personality Disorder and helped me understand what that meant exactly. BPD is characterized by an enduring pattern of unstable self-image and mood, together with volatile interpersonal relationships, self-damaging impulsivity, recurrent suicidal threats or gestures and/or self-harming behavior. Naturally, I was scared – but I also knew I wasn’t going to let it keep me from living a healthy, happy life.

My mom heard about Bridle Up Hope and how it helps girls in my situation. She explained to me that my cousin went through the program and absolutely loved it. Once I was shown the explanatory video, and I saw that horses were the main focus, I was hooked! I have loved horses ever since I can remember, but before the program I wasn’t able to ride them. This program gave me the opportunity of my dreams – I was able to learn about the 7 habits, learn about horsemanship, and develop hope and confidence I never imagined possible for myself. My instructor was amazing and helped me become surer of myself. My favorite horse is named Leo. I learned how to jump while riding him, which is something I think I was born to do. They even have a goat and a little miniature pony named Arwen! Cuteness overload!

The 7 Habits have helped me so much. I feel like I am constantly bettering myself as I apply the habits in my daily living. The bonding with the horses was beautiful and empowering. I never left Bridle Up Hope without a smile on my face and newfound sense of hope and purpose. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I had something worth living for and I wanted to be strong. I have so much more confidence in myself and I now realize I want my future career to involve horses. I am now willing to get out of my comfort zone in order to achieve great things in my life, and it is all thanks to Bridle Up Hope. I am living my life to the fullest!

All names have been changed to protect privacy.

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