The best thing that ever happened to me, besides the Big Mac.

The best thing that ever happened to me, besides the Big Mac.

Working with horses is my dream, my passion. Bridle Up Hope helped me to experience that wonderful bond between horse and girl. You all made me feel welcome, at a time in my life when no one else seemed to even notice me. I started the program when I was in eighth grade – currently I am a sophomore – and there was no better time to have my butt in the saddle and attention towards my instructor.

That year, life threw many things at me. I was bullied and girls excluded me from their groups because I am a diabetic. In Junior High, you’re trying to figure out who you are, what you like, and who your people are. You’re making friends and losing some, and trying to keep up with 7 classes a day. My school life was pretty miserable then. It was then that I started the Bridle Up Hope program, and I was THRILLED! It was the best thing that ever happened to me, besides the Big Mac.

I was taught the 7 Habits and how to apply them to my everyday life. I could be myself there – what a relief! I made so many friends who felt the exact same way I did. It was the highlight of my week every week for 3 months! I learned who I was then and that was huge for me. Sure, call me a hick. Call me a cowgirl. That’s WHO I AM and no one can change that. I used to be so unsure of myself and so indecisive. You guys accepted me, didn’t judge me, and made me laugh!

I will never be able to repay you guys no matter how many hours of service I do or how many stalls I muck out. Bridle Up Hope is my safe haven and I am forever grateful. Through this program, I learned who I am. You guys are changing lives every day!

All names have been changed to protect privacy.

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