Meet Our Horse Tiger

Meet Our Horse Tiger

For one beautiful rider, Bridle Up Hope quickly became a place of peace as she put broken pieces of her life back together to intentionally create her own beauty. Much like the magnificent stained glass image with Montego that greets all above the main Barn entrance, Tiger became a piece of that peace and now is the heart of her inspiring paradigm. He is the hero she needed:

"..[Tiger and I] had both been hurt by people that we were supposed to be able to trust, who were supposed to take care of us and protect us. And they may have even thought what they were doing was in our best interest. The end result was the same, we both needed to learn to trust again. When I met Tiger he was a lot further along in his healing process than I was: safe and happy at Bridle Up Hope. I think he saw into my soul and knew that he would need to show me the same empathy and kindness that he was shown when he was rescued. So he paid it forward and rescued me. He’s living proof that you don’t need words to help heal one another. He simply lead by example. He showed unconditional trust in me from the time that I got him out of his stall. He stayed close to me and did all that I asked of him. He showed me that it can be okay to trust. That sometimes you have to take a step into the unknown to reap the reward of love. He sought to understand me first before applying any of his own judgement. I think that this is the essence of what it means to trust. Trusting that others will seek first to understand you and then to be understood. To me, Tiger exemplifies the whole heart and soul of what Bridle Up Hope is. He represents kindness, understanding and personal progression.  Many times Tiger has been my reason to get through the day. I’m grateful to still be able to work with Tiger since being employed at Bridle Up Hope. I always make sure to stop by his stall and tell him  he’s my favorite, just so he doesn’t forget. I’m forever grateful to Jenna for bringing us together. It’s a privilege to be able to call Tiger a good friend."

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