How I Have Learned the Importance of Self-Care as a Mother

How I Have Learned the Importance of Self-Care as a Mother

Bridle Up Hope has not only given me perspective but it has given me a chance to pursue my lifelong dream to ride! Ever since I was a little girl, I always had a dream to ride horses but never had the time or the finances to do so. I became a mother of six and finding time to have any hobbies was just not feasible. As my kids got older, it was hard to find balance between having time for myself and being a mom. My kids' choices pulled on my confidence of being a good parent. My oldest son had run away from home and my youngest had just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I felt like I had no control over my life, and I was overwhelmed with fear of the unknown. I was feeling very stressed and defeated.

For Christmas my parents gifted me the Bridle Up Hope program which has been the best gift I could have ever asked for. I had some anxiety about being able to set aside two hours a week for myself. With my 7-year-old's recent diagnosis with diabetes, I was nervous about leaving him for such a long period of time. As I was able to take that first step to rely on my kids' father, I made it to the first lesson and since then have been able to continue with confidence.

It has been such a learning experience for me in so many ways. Each week I learned a habit that would relate to riding and contribute to my own life. I have learned to prioritize, put the “big rocks” first, come up with win-win situations, feel peace in the moment, let go of things I can’t control, and be happy with where I’m at. Riding a horse can be such a scary thing but in return it's so rewarding! With a wonderful trainer who encouraged me and never let me fail, I felt more excited to continue to ride! When I ride I am able to leave the stresses of my life outside of the barn and focus on me. I have been learning to find confidence in myself, and find joy in doing something I love.

I learned how important it is to take care of myself so I can take care of those I love. I don’t feel afraid of the unknown, and I feel confident that I will be able to handle whatever comes my way. I love that this program gives you an opportunity to serve for life, and in return I am able to keep riding! I have gained one free lesson already and can’t wait to see where this amazing journey takes me!

- Bridle Up Hope Woman Participant

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