Hope Through Muddy Boots

Hope Through Muddy Boots

I'm currently in the Miss Utah Teen pageant, representing Bluffdale, and the Bridle Up Hope program is my heart and soul. After enduring multiple spine and neck surgeries due to a medical condition, I felt completely lost. I was drowning in crippling anxiety, self-doubt, unbearable pain, and the terrifying thought that I might never ride again. My dream seemed shattered, but my love for horses never wavered.

When I was accepted into the Bridle Up Hope Program, it was a breath of fresh air that renewed my love for life. My instructor became more than just a teacher; she became my mentor, my friend, and my biggest cheerleader. She introduced me to the “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” by Sean Covey, which I began to incorporate into my daily life. This transformative journey helped me grow and challenge myself to "Be Proactive." I set my sights on competing in the Miss Utah Teen pageant, and here I am, fully immersed in preparations and with a determined mindset.

I "Began with the End in Mind," setting clear goals for what I want to achieve in the pageant, aiming to educate others about scoliosis and the importance of early intervention. I "Put First Things First," prioritizing my pageant tasks and focusing on the most important aspects, such as my Community Service Initiative. Each habit I learned through Bridle Up Hope has helped build my confidence and solidify my sense of self. I’ve learned to practice self-love and kindness, not just towards myself but towards everyone around me. This is exactly what I plan to bring on stage—love and kindness. Without these daily habits and the unconditional love of the horses, I wouldn't have been able to start healing. The healing process is tough, but it’s made easier with muddy boots, a loving horse, and a foundation that lifts you back into the saddle. Now, I've got the reins and I'm ready for this next adventure.

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