What is was like going through the program with my daughter.

What is was like going through the program with my daughter.

Catherine and her daughter, Ashley, both completed the Bridle Up Hope program in January 2019. This letter was written by Catherine.

Dear Bridle Up Hope,

This experience has been so meaningful for me individually, but even more so as a mother watching my daughter, Ashley, learn to put on new glasses as she became more proactive and incorporated all the habits into her life.

Ashley’s life has completely changed, and she no longer wants to quit life. She knows she is valuable, capable, lovable, and good at her job and loved by others. She finds win-win circumstances, puts deposits in her emotional bank, and is striving for balance in her life.

I used to dread her evening phone calls, before we started learning the 7 Habits, because nearly every time I’d pick up the phone, Ashley was in tears talking about how she’d been criticized all day long at work. She worked from 8:00am until 8:00pm, and was being criticized and verbally abused for twelve hours a day.

Ashley’s life has completely turned around, and it has no doubt been due to Bridle Up Hope and her willingness to incorporate the 7 Habits, the true north principles, into her life and her belief that the 7 Habits are true.

I have also learned so much, and now I feel like I have all the tools to find true balance in my life to be a better wife, mother, grandmother, and contributor in my community, my church, and my family.

Our instructor, Cindy, has been so instrumental in this whole process as well. Her calm demeanor is so perfect for both me and Ashley. We not only believe she loves us, we know she does—it beams out of her, and we are so grateful for it! Truly grateful!

I can’t say enough good about the Bridle Up Hope program or our instructor, Cindy! Thank you for everything!

We will love you forever!

Catherine and Ashley

Names and photos changed to protect privacy

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