Abby's Story

Abby's Story

Bridle Up Hope couldn’t have come at a better time for our daughter, Abby. She was struggling with depression and anxiety which had caused her to be hospitalized twice. She was also trying to heal from trauma caused by abuse. Add to that the normal struggles of being a junior high girl and trying to find who she was and it was a perfect storm, and a perfect time to bring in the help and healing of horses.

Abby had always loved horses and was excited to have the opportunity to spend more time around them. What we didn’t expect was for her to develop a deep friendship with Brynnlee, her instructor, and to learn skills both with horses and the 7 Habits that she would carry with her for the rest of her life. Abby gained confidence in herself and her ability to ride and care for the horses. She also learned the importance of sharpening her own saw and caring for herself. Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind, has become important as she plans her days and makes choices for her bright future.

Abby immediately connected with Tiger. She and Tiger became a great team under Brynnlee’s instruction and she loves her time spent with him and the other horses. Being at the barn is always a positive experience full of love, joy, and light. Abby isn’t the same person she was when she began this program. She has grown in ways we never would have thought possible and has found joy in her life again. She loves continuing to earn lessons and visit the horses at the barn. Bridle Up Hope will always be a part of her life as she continues to face the challenges that come her way. We are so grateful to be part of the Bridle Up Hope barn family.

- Bridle Up Hope Participant

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